* [SORA Network: NFT] At first, let's create a plain NFT.
The NFT of SORA project can be created by stacking up with the concept of phase.
For example, if multiply R by one-dimensional R, we can calculate a vector. It's like that.
A plain NFT is so-called "token".
It has an amount and has a feature, then can move the balance.
Derived from here, we are creating various NFTs.
For example, if generate a multidimensional NFT, it can be applied to analysis via the blockchain.
(e.g. Data recovery tec analysis, Drone flight path calculation, Automatic driving control etc ...)
(例, データ復旧技術解析、ドローン飛行経路演算、自動運転制御 等)
Anyway, first of all, it's a one-dimensional NFT.
Those become "transfer of ownership" and "voting" features.
If this becomes a two-dimensional NFT, it may use for Metaverse.
click "smart contract (qToken)".
「smart contract (qToken)」をクリックいたします。
New NFT: create a new plain one-dimensional NFT.
New NFT: プレーンな一次元NFTを生成いたします。
* In the left column, enter the new symbol name and the number of issues in order.
* 左側の欄に、新しいシンボル名と発行数を順番に入力します。
** If NFTs that transfer ownership, set the amount to 1.0. This allows only one person to own.
** もし所有権移転のNFTならば、1.0の残高で作ります。これで、一人のみの所有権となるNFTとなります。
** If it is an NFT for voting, the number of votes is set to amount.
It will be created a plain NFT and derive.
** もし投票用NFTならば、その投票数に合わせたamountに設定いたします。